Thursday, December 17, 2015

The 1200 Calorie Indian Meal Plan- Healthy Weight Loss

     Diet plans are very important along with a good exercise plans.  Only a few will succeed. The succeeded people maintain good height, weight relationship with proper BMR and become healthy physically and mentally.

I. The Indian Meal Plan (1200 Calories)

     A proper calorie intake is essential for a proper metabolism and to decrease the fat in the body.  If metabolic rate increases then weight decreases.  This can be achieved by diet plan of 1200 calories consisting of water, vitamins, minerals,  fats  and other nutrients. 

II. The need of 1200 Calories

     The requirements vary from individual to individual.  It depends on various factors  such as age, sex, weight, height, metabolism and associated  medical conditions. So,  it is always better to calculate BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate) that  helps to  determine  calorie requirement of the body exactly.
The basic concept of weight loss is to create a calorie shortage in the body by consuming fewer calories.  The 1200 calories is the basic requirement of the body or else the body be deprived of energy for the vital activities. 

calories scale

III. Identify the Right Calories

The most important factor that determines weight gain and weight loss is Calories. A good weight loss plan creates  a safe calorie deficit to promote a healthy weight loss. The weight loss is the total calorie intake and calories burnt. The three major sources of calories are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Sources of healthy  fats are nuts, vegetable oils and seafood.  Carbohydrates like brown rice, wheat flour, beans,  legumes, fruits and vegetables help in weight loss. Proteins are necessary for increasing muscle mass.  It is important to include the right foods in  1200 calorie in the diet plan.

IV. Plan 1200 Calories Diet Menu

It is better to take 5 or 6 small meals per day. It helps to  boost the  metabolism that burns more calories. Divide the 1200 calories into 6 meals consisting of 3 meals (breakfast, lunch,  & dinner) of 300 calories that totals to 900 calories. The balance of 300 calories will be substituted by snacks and beverages.  Fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, dairy for meals as well as snacks.  Please take calcium and multivitamin supplements along with the diet if necessary.

V. The 1200 Calories Indian Menu for Weight Loss

     The 1200 calories Indian diet plan for weight loss includes vegetarian dishes to get an idea of the food one is supposed to eat for a healthy weight loss.  Remember that this is a general one and not a universal plan.  In case of a doubt it is  better to consult a dietitian to know more about the 1200 calorie diet plan.

VI. A general 1200 Calories Veg Diet Menu

     The vegetarians may include vegetables,  pulses,  cheese (pane-er) and yogurt in the menu as a source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.  The  diet includes:
TimingFoods To EatCalories
Early MorningLukewarm Water with Lemon 1 glass0
Tea without Sugar + 2 Biscuits90
Breakfast2 Rotis + 1/2 cup Paneer Curry330
Brown Bread Upma 1 plate + Milk 1 cup300
Mid-Morning1 Banana/ half (1/2) cup Melon/20 Grapes50
LunchBrown Rice a cup (195 gm) + Mixed Vegetables 1/2 cup + Salad 1 bowl + Raita 1 small bowl345
EveningButter Milk 1 cup35
Dinner2 Rotis + Vegetable Soup 1 bowl + Salad 1 bowl370
Total1220/1190 Cal

VII. The structure 1200 Calories Meal Plan

     We should remember  to divide the 1200 calories into 5 or 6 meals and portions in order to keep it well-balanced and nutritious so that it can promote healthy weight loss without causing any side-effects. The meal plan is as follows:
  1. Three main meals- breakfast, lunch and dinner each comprising of 300 to 350 calories.
  2. The snacks and beverages comprise the balance of the 300 calories to be distributed throughout the day. For beverages opt for hot or cool green tea and herbal teas. 
  3. The foods consumed in meals and snacks must be fresh.

VIII. The break-fast Plan for 300 Calories

Break-fast is important during the day for a healthy weight loss because he/she is breaking the fast after a good night. The healthy breakfast supplies the necessary energy required to the body. The sample diet plan may consist a breakfast of rotis, paneer curry, brown bread upma and brown bread.

    1. Boiled beans or lentils with whole grain toast.
    2. Wheat bread slices with paneer and a banana.
    3. Spinach and brown bread toast.
    4. Half (1/2) cup of oats or muesli and an apple.

IX.  The 300 Calorie Lunch Plan

    • A suitable lunch is very important for a healthy weight loss.  The Indian lunch comprises of white rice that has a high glycemic index food that causes a sudden rise in blood glucose levels and also causes lethargy, weight gain. So, a 300 cals lunch should include brown rice or wheat flour rotis. Few 300 cals meal options are-
      1. A cup of brown rice, a small brown of dal tarka, a plate of green salad.
      2. Two (2) wheat flour rotis, a cup of boiled bean or rajma curry, a plate of salad.
      3. A cup of brown rice,  a cup of boiled bean,  a plate of salad.
      4. A Cup of mixed vegetable rice, a glass of thick butter-milk.

X. The 300 Calorie Dinner Plan

      • Some of the dieters at the end of the day eat more during the dinner. They should remember a controlled 300 cals is always better for weight loss.  It is better to finish the dinner at 8.30 PM at night. It helps the digestion of the food before going to sleep. The body will have gap of 11 hours before next meal i.e., breakfast. A 300cals dinner option for the 1200 calories Indian diet is two (2) wheat flour chapatis, a cup of bean or rajma curry and a plate of salad.

XI.  The Combination of 1200 Calorie Meal Plan with Exercise

      • The balanced diet with exercise at home or at gym is the best way to reduce weight permanently. Doing exercise is safe for a 1200 cals diet plan. Remember that the recommended weight loss is 2 pounds per week.  To burn 2 pounds each week one will need to burn 300 calories a day. One can do it  by one hour exercises like walking or swimming. The other way is a 30 to 45 minutes of exercises like running, jogging, hiking or cycling.
      • During a combination of  a 1200 calories diet and the exercise one may notice that the body needs more calories to maintain the routine. One must respond to the body’s signs & signals and may make necessary adjustments in the diet. Experiment whether the 1200 calories diet and 300 calories plan is suitable or not with the help of the following formula:
      • Multiply the body weight by 10 (for a woman) or 11 (for man) and add another 10% to it for calories burned through the digestion and 20% for sedentary activities.

XII.  The Benefits of 1200 Calories Diet

      • 1200 calorie diet planThe 1200 Calories diet plan is suitable to lose weight easily and stay fit while enjoying the food. One need not to starve himself or herself or leave the  foods. One must have a bit of self-control, restraint and aspiration to lose weight.
        1. He/She may lose his/her weight while enjoying favorite foods.
        2. Get quick results easily and  safely with positive thinking.
        3. Safe weight loss  diet plan is an additional motivating factor.
        4. Put full stop for vigorous exercises and workouts.
        5. Trying  various types of menus and recipes brings variety to the diet and gives perfect satisfaction physically and mentally for a healthy living.
      • The 1200 Calories diet plan is a sure way of losing the extra pounds quickly on a short-term basis by any parameter.  One has  to make the effects permanent by introducing good healthy changes in life-style that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise.  Please remember 'YOGA & MEDITATION' also helps for a successful weight loss for a healthy and a better life.

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