Good Steps to
Learn and Drive a Car
1. Many people are thinking that suddenly they can become experts to drive
a car. Driving a car requires the basic common sense but that attitude leads to complacency and ends
in being dangerous. Learn to drive, drive to learn & drive safely. Haste is
waste. Always safety comes first and speed comes next.
2. You can take a course in driving the car or you may learn on your own.
There are good fundamentals that hold you in good stead when you are learning
to drive a car. The first one is to know the equipment, so just sit in the driver’s seat, learn &
listen to someone to describe all of the parts to you in the car.
3. The items that you need to know about the car include the
ignition, the steering wheel, the Accelerator, the Brake, the Clutch (ABC) & the gears,
the hand brake, the turn-signals, the lights, the seat-belt & all about the
mirrors. It is basic because every-one has to know these things. Know the
traffic rules, the traffic signs & the road signs. Go slow. Remember knowledge
is power.
4. An
experienced & expert car driver has to take for a short drive in a parking lot or where there
is no traffic to just get used to use all of the above mentioned items while
you are actually moving in a car on the road.
Have the real road driving experience.
Remember good driving is a good skill.
5. Learn how to begin from standing stop & how to use
the clutch, with
the left foot. Learn to turn the manual gears- neutral, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & R to
increase or decrease the speed with the left hand. Practice to press & release the accelerator with the
right foot to start slowly & to increase the speed gradually. Use the right
foot to press the brake
correctly, when you wish to slow down or stop. Use the left hand to apply the
hand- brake up & down properly, use the lights, use the turn signal etc.,
of the car. Place both hands on the car’s steering wheel in a good 9 and 3 position & steer
in the clock-wise & the anti-clock-wise directions properly. Learn to blow
the horn. Remember practice makes a man perfect.
6. Learn to move the car in the reverse (R) direction. Learn to turn the car to the left, right,
straight & practice in each and every direction-360 degrees. Learn to park the car exactly at
the proper place. Learn to look at the mirrors, the mirror in the middle of the
wind-shield & the two on each side of the car to see what is coming from
behind. Learn how to use and when to use the turn signals & lights of the
car. Learn to open & close all the doors of the car properly & remember
to close & lock the door
when you get down from the car. Check the entire car once. Preview & review
about the driving once daily.
7. The main thing
is that when you are practicing;
try to have a good control on the car all the time. Gain the ability to
manage various controls in the car. Learn what speed is the best for each
situation & learn how to escape if an emergency arises. Learn the theory
& put the theory into practice. Practice healthy driving habits & the
good safety norms. Plan to drive and drive according to the plan. A road-map with directions & important places is a great tool
to drive a car safely from the starting point to the destination.