The Yoga is very old according to the Indian Tradition. Lord Shiva taught yoga at the Himalayas to the sages. It is sage Patanjali who gave the correct curriculum to Yoga. The sage is famous for his Yoga Sutras. The Yoga proposed by him is known as Astanga Yoga or Patanjali Astanga yoga.
"Yoga is cessation of thoughts." -Patanjali
"A comfortable posture is asanam." -Patanjali
According to the various time periods yoga may be classified as Ancient yoga, Pre-classical Yoga, Classical Yoga, Post-classical Yoga, Modern yoga and Contemporary yoga. Now yoga is practiced by many people in various countries.
The practice of yoga varies depending upon the Guru and his followers. Yoga practice may involve from a simple prayer in the Padma-asana to difficult postures or complex exercises that involve different steps.
The Bhagavat Gita proposed 18 yogas and gives different definitions based on various situations. The three main yogas are Karma yoga, Bhakti yoga and Jnana Yoga. Therefore it has 3 yogas X 6 chapters = 18 chapters.
"Yoga is skill in doing the work." Gita -Lord Krishna
"Yoga is equanimity" Gita -Lord Krishna
"Try to become a yogi" Gita -Lord Krishna
"Yoga is to be in the Divine light" -Sage Veda Vyasa
The other prominent yogas are Sankhya yoga, Kundalini yoga, Hatha yoga and Raja yoga.
The Surya namaskarams have an important place in yoga and yoga sadhana. It involves 12 yogic postures (6 in one direction and the same 6 in the reverse direction).
Yoga asanas, breathing and meditation play a major role in various yogas. Asana for the body, breathing for the prana and meditation for the mind.
Swami Vivekananda introduced Yoga in the West in Chicago, USA at the Parliament of the World's Religions in the year 1893. Swami's birth day 12th January is celebrated as National Youth Day in India.
"Arise, Awake and stop not until the goal is reached." -Swami Vivekananda
Sri Aurobindo porposed Integral yoga and it helps in the mental evolution of man from the mind to the super-mind.
"All life is Yoga" - Sri Aurobindo.
21st June is celebrated as the International Yoga day every year. So, 21-06-2017 is celebrated as the International Yoga day this year.
Body, mind and intellect play a vital role in our day to day life. Yoga sadhana helps to relive stress and strain of every day life and helps to live happily for 100 years.
Let us all practice yoga and educate others about the importance of yoga for the welfare of mankind.